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The On-Demand Transit Solution.


With the challenges and changes that all transit agencies across the continent are facing, Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA) set out to take a disruptive approach in future-proofing their transit system through introducing an innovative mobility solution that better met the needs of SEPTA’s paratransit customers today and tomorrow.

[We] are taking definitive steps to enhance mobility for the residents of Philadelphia. SEPTA’s partnership with RideCo and the adoption of their software is turning [our agency’s] vision into reality—transforming our paratransit system in record time, delivering a better experience for our riders, and enabling us to achieve new milestones at a lower cost.
Leslie S. Richards, Chief Executive Officer and General Manager, SEPTA

Use Case


The software systems that have long been used to operate paratransit services have become outdated over time. Without the continuous evolution of these legacy software systems, agencies like SEPTA have been experiencing challenges in operating and delivering efficient service, which significantly impacts the riders who depend on them. But with industry-wide hesitancy surrounding emerging technologies and concerns about change management, many agencies continue to be at a standstill.

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