Trip Planner

All-In-One App. Multiple Service Models.

Enable multimodal trip planning across on-demand and conventional transit options all within the RideCo Passenger App.
How it works

One App

With RideCo’s Trip Planner, riders can easily plan their journey across different modes of transit using one application. Whether they are looking for on-demand or conventional transit options, the best results of how to get from their origin to destination are at the fingertips of the riders.

Conditional Eligibility

Riders only see the results that are determined by their eligibility within specific programs. For example, passengers who are only eligible for ADA paratransit between dusk and dawn will receive conventional results during daylight and paratransit results when eligible—without manual intervention.

Live Tracking

By leveraging GTFS-RT, riders can receive real-time updates of their pick-up times at any point during their journey.
Trusted by Industry Leaders

What Makes Us Different?

Our software is designed to provide your riders and transit operators with flexible, on-demand transit solutions.


Serve both microtransit and paratransit rides with the same fleet by picking up and dropping off microtransit passengers at flex stops and paratransit passengers at doorsteps.

Time Snapping

Create customizable trip frequencies to and from popular locations and fixed-route transit hubs.


Enable multimodal interconnectivity and adoption through RideCo’s trip planning and faring integrations.

Transform Your Transit System with RideCo
On-Demand Transit Software

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